A Chicken Love Song

February 13, 2023 00:04:34
A Chicken Love Song
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
A Chicken Love Song

Feb 13 2023 | 00:04:34


Show Notes

I revealed most of my personal chicken history in this episode. It’s an ongoing saga, though I am much more in control of my crazy love for chickens. I finally recycled all my old hatchery catalogs. Okay that’s not quite true, as I kept one Murray McMurray catalog…just for reference…really. I did love to look at the pictures of the different breeds in those catalogs. Almost always paintings, by the way, and no, I didn’t read them at night under the covers with a flashlight, but oh my gosh, Australorps, Delawares, Wyandottes, Polish, Cornish and Buff Orpingtons! You know what I’m talking about!

If you like chickens too and would like to add a book about the history of chickens to the shelf where you keep your “raising chickens the right way” books and all of your hatchery catalogs, I recommend Why Did the Chicken Cross the World by Andrew Lawler.

The photos are mine.

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