A Frisky Fall...Look Out!

October 17, 2023 00:04:11
A Frisky Fall...Look Out!
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
A Frisky Fall...Look Out!

Oct 17 2023 | 00:04:11


Show Notes

The botanical name for the southwest white pine of this episode is Pinus strobiformis. I read that specific epithet stobiformis comes from the Greek for twisted, referring to the cone. Okay, that could be, but listen, Linnaeus named the eastern white pine Pinus strobus and strobus is from a Latin word for a pine with aromatic resin. Sooo, I think Sargent (not Englemann, cause Sargent says so) named the southwest white pine strobiformis meaning it is in the form of the eastern white pine. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. Feeling frisky! The photos are mine. Look at…

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