I originally wrote Borderlands Jaguar while driving up to Tucson to do a presentation for the Center for Biological Diversity (http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/). I wrote it as I drove, something Ms. Mesquitey frowns on and she’s right, as my writing is totally illegible. Anyway, I sort of pulled it off, but here is a little better version…hmmm, well I don’t know about that, but here it is again.
The photo is of a male jaguar named Sombra and is courtesy of Russ McSpadden. It was taken by a trail cam in the Chiricahua Mountains. Yes, very close to home! Oh yeah.
Oh, and below is a link to another recent show I did about jaguars with some more information.
Petey wanders into the nearby hills and comes across a couple different species of native bunch grasses and tells us all about them.
Dusty Calligraphy Petey thinks that Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rats are leaving us messages in the dust and dancing through the night as well! Oh dear.
You know you haven’t been hiking or botanizing out in the desert or grassland enough when you look to the roadsides for interesting plants,...