Busy Bees in the Borderlands

August 19, 2024 00:04:22
Busy Bees in the Borderlands
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Busy Bees in the Borderlands

Aug 19 2024 | 00:04:22


Show Notes

Squash bees are out so early in the morning that they’re moving pollen around well before honey bees even arrive. Research done by the Department of Agriculture found that squash bees “are largely responsible for the production of cultivated squash across North America” and “much of the Americas.” That is very cool. I like buffalo gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima) and I haven’t talked about it in many years. If you were to look it up you’d find that there has been a lot of research on seed of the gourd, but also of the large tuberous root. And, this is cool;…

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