Cactus Wrens and Ironwood Trees

January 10, 2022 00:04:44
Cactus Wrens and Ironwood Trees
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Cactus Wrens and Ironwood Trees

Jan 10 2022 | 00:04:44


Show Notes

Cactus wrens were one of the first Sonoran Desert birds I learned when I arrived in Tucson to go to the University of Arizona. They are such rascals! Oh, and I grew ironwood trees when I was working in nurseries in Tucson. My goodness that spiny desert native did not like to be tamed in a nursery bucket. Anytime you trimmed a branch, five new spiny shoots would grow out by the cut. Ha! I loved it!

The photo of the cactus wren is from the Tucson Audubon Society web page and the photos of the ironwood tree and blossoms are mine. I love the Sonoran Desert.


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