Fendler's Desert Dandelion

April 14, 2024 00:04:19
Fendler's Desert Dandelion
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Fendler's Desert Dandelion

Apr 14 2024 | 00:04:19


Show Notes

I hope you’re getting a chance to do some wandering this spring…maybe your backyard or a nearby park or even out in the wild. I owe you an episode about pale wolfberry (Lycium pallidum) and I’ll do that, but this bright little annual that looks so much like a dandelion is abundant around out little homestead this April. I like the common name Fendler’s desert dandelion and of course I like the botanical name Malacothrix fendleri. The photos are mine and taken very near our home. The underside of the flower helps identify it from other dandelion-like flowers you may…

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