Jackass clover is Wislizenia refracta and the botanical name of clammy weed is Polanisia dodecandra. They are both in the Cleome family Cleomaceae.
Many years ago I produced another episode about jackass clover and during that show I had a great time loudly shouting the name jackass many times. I only tell you this so you can see how I’ve matured over the years.
The photos are mine and taken outside Willcox, AZ and near our home along the Ol’ Guajolote. Check out those exerted stamens!
At our little homestead we have more than enough canyon grape vines (Vitis arizonica) to share with the voracious caterpillars of the western grape...
A morning or two after I recorded this show I heard a scaled quail calling, so now I have both species calling starting at...
Western soapberry is Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii and is in the family Sapindaceae. In the soapberry family there are around twelve species. I say...