“A muggy monsoon mosey in the Mule Mountains.” Whoa Petey, you are the king of alliteration!
Cnidosculous angustidens or Mala Mujer is a fascinating plant in the Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. Here in the borderlands it’s an upland species and always a delight to find in the grassland or on a rocky slope. It would be beautiful as a cultivated plant as well……………..hmmm.
Here are photos of some of the plants I was jabbering about: Desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), esperanza or Arizona yellow bells (Tecoma stans var....
The native grasses of southeastern Arizona are fun to learn. I’m not a botanist…hopefully that’s not a surprise…and so I learn them from friends,...
I was looking through photos that I’ve taken of this plant over the years and realized I even have 35 mm slides of Jatropha...