Peter jabbers about cool winged grasshoppers and a plant called Stinging Serpent.
Cevallia sinuata or Stinging Serpent is found around the wild borderlands of southeastern Arizona from 2,500 to 5,000 feet in elevation. The flowers are fascinating and the stinging hairs are very cool.
Petey talks about the desert millipede (Orthoporus ornatus) and answers the question that has perplexed entomologists for years. Fun with KXCI’s Petey Mesquitey &...
Initially it was frustrating to read about Tageticula yuccasella as the moth that pollinated all of our native yucca species, when I knew from...
I read in HORTUS THIRD that there are about 150 species of Vaccinium found in “cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere,” 40 of...