I was incorrect about the species of Acalypha in this show. The correct name is A. phleoides (the former A. lindheimeri), not neomexicana as I stated. I went back and looked at my photos and had a “whaaa?” moment. Anyway, now I have it right, and feel better. It sure is a pretty perennial not annual plant and seems like it might be a fun one to cultivate. Plants of the genus Acalypha are found all over the world and some of the over 400 species are cultivated as ornamentals. Oh, and a common name for this local species is shrubby copperleaf or Yerba del Cancer.
I briefly mention Camp Rucker in this show. It was established as Camp Supply in the late 1870s and was used in the campaign to capture Geronimo and his band of Apaches. It was renamed when Lieutenant John Rucker drowned while trying to save a drowning fellow officer. There is a lot more to the story of this historical location, but I can tell you that after it was abandoned a second time by the army…Geronimo and his men and women warriors escaped and had to be chased again… it became a ranch. There is an interesting memoir of early ranching at the former army camp called A Cowman’s Wife by Mary Kidder Rak. Anyway, now you know, and though the camp and old ranch headquarters are not officially open, it is an easy place to hike to and do your own tour. Not a bad place for an autumn hike.
A couple notes: the photos are mine and are of Acalypha phleoides…got it right! The foot and hand are those of Ms. Mesquitey. I no longer paint my toe nails.
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