The Handsome, But Rank Senna

August 29, 2023 00:04:29
The Handsome, But Rank Senna
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
The Handsome, But Rank Senna

Aug 29 2023 | 00:04:29


Show Notes

It’s a little bit of a leap from talking about a plant in the aster family to talking about Senna in the pea family. It’s the way my mind was working at the time I guess. Senna species are found around the world. If you were to purchase the herb senna in a store or online it would probably be derived from Senna acutifolia, native to Sudan, Egypt and cultivated in parts of India. Our native sennas are also medicinal, though the strength may vary from species to species. Writing about slenderpod senna (or slimpod senna, but always Senna hirstua…

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