Varmints in the grassland

January 26, 2018 4:54
Varmints in the grassland
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Varmints in the grassland

Jan 26 2018 | 4:54


Show Notes

Tumbleweed and careless weed are here to stay and though careless weed is an Arizona native (Amaranthus palmeri) it certainly appears, at least to me, that it has become more prolific and widespread. But really it is the introduced exotic grasses that make me grumpiest. Many of the introduced grasses were thought of as beneficial…think Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana)… or showy in an urban landscape…think green fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum). I mean, Yikes!!! Anyway, the featured varmint in this show is Natal grass or Melinis repens, (formerly Rhynchelytrum roseum or sometimes R. repens, but always, oh dear.)

In the back of many seed catalogs you can find a section on ornamental grasses. I think that section should be called “invasive varmints”. But listen, go native my friends, because we don’t need anymore non-native grasses in the desert, the grassland or the sky islands of the borderlands.

The photos are mine and of natal grass out in the Galiuro Mountains.


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