Petey will never be a learned fellow, but he’s a pretty nice fella.
Tufted evening primrose (Oenothera caespitosa) is beautiful wildflower of the uplands. And though seeing it on a summer hike sounds hot and grueling, it does bloom into the fall. If you want one for your own habitat, it is grown commercially, so look for it in a good little nursery. But I do hope you stumble upon it on an early morning hike in the hills.
The bigtooth maple is no longer in its own family of Aceraceae, but is in Sapindaceae. Molecular taxonomy keeps us plant geeks on our...
Here are photos of some of the plants I was jabbering about: Desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), esperanza or Arizona yellow bells (Tecoma stans var....
Petey takes a drive into the hills near his home to see spectacular fall color of the local sumacs.