Latest Episodes
Jackass Clover and Clammy Weed
The botanical name for jackass clover is Wislizenia refracta and for clammy weed it’s Polanisia dodecandra. I translate those very cool names in this...
The Western Grape Skeletonizer
At our little homestead we have more than enough canyon grape vines (Vitis arizonica) to share with the voracious caterpillars of the western grape...
Childhood, Wildhood
This episode is a reminiscence sparked by some photos taken over 60 years ago. I’m pretty sure my father took the photos, because I...
Moth Pollinators in the Borderlands
The photos are mine of the Mirabilis longiflora flowers and Manduca sexta, the Carolina sphinx moth and tobacco hornworm. Note the seven streamline white...
Turkey Vultures and Buffalo Bur
Turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) are wonderful and lots of folks agree. The little town of Bisbee in the Mule Mountains of Cochise County, Arizona...
Arizona Walnut Tree
I grew up in the land of the black walnut, Juglans nigra. And if you grew up in the eastern US, then you did...