Latest Episodes
Petey Loves Toumey Oaks
Quercus toumeyi Arizona Sonora border foothills oak The photos are mine.
Flora and Fauna Spring Celebrations...big and small
I was mistaken about Arivaca’s vulture celebration. It is not early March, but later in the month. Apologies to them, but hey, the good...
Occupied Not Vacant
I have so many memories of hikes or journeys in southern Arizona that include walnut trees…sometimes up high in the mountains or as I...
Dung on a Twig
The etymology of the word mistletoe is all over the place and has been traced to Old English, Middle English, Anglo Saxon and old...
Your Yowser Yucca
When I used to give talks I would always show photos and talk about our regional yucca species; Yucca elata, Y. baccata and Yucca...
I read in HORTUS THIRD that there are about 150 species of Vaccinium found in “cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere,” 40 of...