Arroyo Surprise

December 06, 2023 00:04:23
Arroyo Surprise
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Arroyo Surprise

Dec 06 2023 | 00:04:23


Show Notes

What a fun discovery in the desert east of Douglas, Arizona. There is just something about these large spinescent shrubs in the buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae. I love Condalia warnockii and friends who frequent the western deserts of Arizona love Condalia globosa…okay, me too. And now I’m adding Condalia correllii to my favorite spinescent shrub list. And hey, it was a guess, but yes the specific epithet correlli is named for botanist Donovan Stewart Correll. Oh, and as far as my jokingly pondering whether Antonio Condal and Jean Pierre Florens knew of one another… only if either one could time travel.

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