Calylophus, Nama and Eupatorium

May 19, 2014
Calylophus, Nama and Eupatorium
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Calylophus, Nama and Eupatorium

May 19 2014 |


Show Notes

101_2792 Petey feels the need to jabber about three different wildflowers. This better be interesting.

We did not have good winter rains and what wildflowers we’ve gotten this spring are courtesy of one good rain event. One good rainy day is an event. So the flourishing flowers mentioned  were helped out by that event.  And listen, if you were  to have only one native wildflower  in your pollinator garden, and that would be very sad indeed, but it should be Eupatorium now Conoclinum greggii.  And it is grown commercially! How cool is that? Very cool.


101_2800 Eupatorium-greggii

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