Coral Bells in the Hills

October 31, 2021 00:05:06
Coral Bells in the Hills
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Coral Bells in the Hills

Oct 31 2021 | 00:05:06


Show Notes

Heuchera is found in the saxifrage family, Saxifracaceae, with 80 other genera that includes the genus Saxifraga and its 400 species. Yikes!
My old (1976) Hortus Third says that there are about 35-50 Heuchera species found in North America and they are largely western. Well, there are 8 species found in Arizona and Heuchera sanguinea is found in Arizona, New Mexico and southward…of course.
And a reminder that if you are interested in medicinal plants, then this is a good genus to look up in an herbal or two or three.
The photos are mine. The flowers are beautiful, but check out the basal leaves as well. Pretty cool.

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