The botanical name for jackass clover is Wislizenia refracta and for clammy weed it’s Polanisia dodecandra. I translate those very cool names in this episode. They are both in the Cleome family Cleomaceae having left the caper family, Capparaceae, due to DNA analysis. Well, fine! But listen many of the plants in Cleomaceae can be quite aromatic or foetid smelling. Your choice and both jackass clover and clammy weed live up to that description.
I think I showed great restraint, by the way, in not shouting jackass several times during this episode. I only tell you this so you can see how I’ve matured over the years. And hey, the photos are mine. The flowers of both species, the jackass clover above and clammy weed below, are beautiful!
Petey wanders into the nearby hills and comes across a couple different species of native bunch grasses and tells us all about them.
Petey discusses the predicted rainy weather in song.
I’m pretty sure I first encountered the plant called mala mujer in the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson around 30 years ago. I...