King of Tarragonia

May 25, 2021 00:05:04
King of Tarragonia
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
King of Tarragonia

May 25 2021 | 00:05:04


Show Notes

The genus Artemisia is found in the sunflower family Asteraceae and there are over 200 species found around the world in the northern hemisphere. Well, there are a few oddballs that show up elsewhere, but mainly the northern hemisphere. In Arizona A. dracunculus is one of the 14 species of Artemisia found in the wild.

Our native tarragon isn’t going to compete with the domesticated Old World cultivars in flavor, but I’m guessing one could start finding the more spicy wild plants and come up with some nice selections.

At our place I could be out on the land for along time looking for pungency among the kazillion plants. As the King of Tarragonia I’m thinking I will need some serfs…er, helpers to do the taste tests. Lemme know if that interests you. You’ll be working on the new flavorful borderlands tarragon called Little Dragon.

Many thanks to my son in law Jared McKinley and Richard Felger for reminding me that the plant really is tarragon. Really!

The photos are mine taken of last years stems here Tarragonia and also of the new shoots emerging and growing.

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