Hmm, when I said the botanical name of Mexican campion I kept adding an n to the name, as in lanciniata. Not sure where that came from, but it’s a mistake, cause it’s laciniata…no extra n. And while we’re on the subject, our Mexican campion is the subspecies greggii. So it is Silene laciniata ssp. greggii. Phew!
I did mention it’s in the pink family Caryophyllaceae, right? And did I mention it is one of the most beautiful of our mountain wildflowers? If not, I should have…oh, I did remind you that it is one of the showiest of our sky island wildflowers. And so now you know.
The photos are mine. I like the picture of the moon setting over the Dragoons. It was well worth singing to. And a couple photos of our subject. Beautiful.
Petey finds a species of Goldenrod near his home and collects seed thinking it might be a good plant to grow and sell…., looks...
When Petey gets done slinging binomials around he finally decides to talk about a very cool native butterfly.
Leslie Newton Goodding had a busy career. It was when he worked for the U. S. Department of Agriculture that he collected the type...