The Coyote and the Badger

November 30, 2016
The Coyote and the Badger
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
The Coyote and the Badger

Nov 30 2016 |


Show Notes




I hope that this show sorta speaks for itself, but I will tell you I wrote this story and song in July of 2002 after an encounter with two American badgers while I was out on a morning trot across the grassland. I raced home……., okay, maybe not raced, but trotted back home and read anything I could find about badgers. It was during that research that I came across reports of badgers and coyotes hunting together. I loved that and I also found a photo that I would later share in my slide presentations after I told this story and sang the song. Some folks had a hard time believing the premise and also thought perhaps the picture was photo shopped. O ye of little faith.

The attached photos were shot by Kimberly Fraser of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and were taken at the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in northern Colorado.

1-coyote-and-badger 3-coyote-and-badger

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