I could be over thinking the feeling I got when I saw that lone coati from the now named coati mundi bluff, but it was wonderful. The other flora and fauna mentioned in this episode make me feel awfully good. I’ll leave it at that and hope you have plants or critters that make you very happy as well and that 2023 is a year full of wild contentment.
Hmm, I’m missing a kangaroo rat photo, but all the photos are mine. Box turtles visit our back yard all summer and that’s Ms. Mesquitey admiring a Toumey oak.
Petey Mesquitey sees some interesting plants while hiking and gets very excited. What’s new?
For goodness sake, I forgot to mention the black-tailed jackrabbit’s ears. The large iconic ears are magnificent parabolic reflectors that keep them well informed...
I have had the Gila topminnow going around in my brain for months and this poem may be a work in progress, but I...