Wolfberry Song

June 24, 2019 00:05:01
Wolfberry Song
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Wolfberry Song

Jun 24 2019 | 00:05:01


Show Notes

I wrote this song about Lycium fremontii when I was managing the native plant nursery of Desert Survivors on West Starr Pass in Tucson. The nursery is located right beside the Santa Cruz River at the base of A Mountain (Sentinel Peak). I used to perform the song whenever I did slide show talks and a version of it ended up on The Best of Growing Native Volume III. This is yet another version. I love the chorus and have always envisioned the song being part of a musical about Tucson or the Sonoran Desert that surrounds it. I’m looking for investors…I’m kidding.

I have so many 35 mm slides of this shrub and its flowers and fruit, but I took the photo used here from http://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/  and by Tom Van Devender. He is a botanist, ecologist, biologist and wonderful fellow. I thank him.


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