Latest Episodes
Zoned Out!
Growing plants and being involved in horticulture since 1980 meant knowing the USDA’s plant hardiness zones so I could jabber to folks knowingly (Ha!)...
Signs of Spring
Anyone who lives in groundhog country will have a woodchuck tale or two to tell. Growing up in Kentucky I sure did. At the...
Rattlesnake Education
I forgot to say that the genus Crotalus comes from the Greek krotalon or krotos for rattle or rattling. (A couple favorite native plants...
Tyto alba
I’ve known barn owls since I was a kid in Kentucky and I always saw them in barns roosting or nesting up high in...
Rainbows and Potatoes
One of the most magical moments of my childhood was when I first dug up potatoes in a garden and we later had some...
Leslie Canyon
One of the positive sides of isolating and staying very close to home during the pandemic is that we discovered new places and rediscovered...