Latest Episodes
El Nino!!!
Petey discusses the predicted rainy weather in song.
Black Bear in the Juniper Nation
Petey encounters a black bear while on his annual hunt and gather in the Galiuro Mountains.
Mearns Quail and Mexican Blue Oak
Petey talks about the Mearns quail found in the uplands of southeastern Arizona, as well as an abundance of acorns found on the Mexican...
Neotoma albigula
Petey is excited about old pack rat middens and talks about our local pack rat species, Neotoma albigula.
Conepatus leuconotus (Conepatus mesoleucus)
Ms. Mesquitey discovers a hog-nosed skunk in the hen house and wakes Petey up to share the news.
Casa de Desert Broom
Petey thinks that the plant desert broom (Baccharis sarothroides) would be an amazing addition to a pollinator garden. Oh dear.