Latest Episodes
Petey is excited about finding a wonderful weedy herb in the Goosefoot Family (Chenopodiaceae) growing along the banks of the ol’ Guajolote.
Bramblestem Tick Clover on Gumhead
Petey and Ms. Mesquitey ramble a favorite dirt road through a sky island in southeastern Arizona stopping to admire the flora every few minutes...
Farley and Petey Take a Swim
The Ol’ Guajolote came flowing out of the mountains down to the grassland and Petey found himself tumbling downstream with his dog Farley. A...
Solidago missouriensis
Petey finds a species of Goldenrod near his home and collects seed thinking it might be a good plant to grow and sell…., looks...
Conyza coulteri
“What is that leafy weed I’m seeing everywhere?” was the question of the summer and Petey finally figures it out with help from a...
Bobcats, Spiny Lizards and Leafcutter Bees
Petey finds everything he needs outside his back door.