I remembered that one spring when we were up in Santa Fe visiting family and out on a hike it seemed there was a spotted towhee noisily foraging in every shrub. Noisily! Sometimes you will hear them rustling around before you see them and like all towhees they are busy rascals!
The genus name Pipilo for towhees was created by Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot in 1816 when he described the eastern species. I’ve found his name associated with a bunch of bird species. He was an early birder…ha, ha.
The 2 legged back hop scratch is little more difficult than some of my other dance moves like the twist or the jitterbug, but I’m getting it. I think I will shorten the name to “the towhee.” I’m already visioning folks circling me and shouting “Do the towheee, Petey. Do the towhee!”
Oh, and the photo is by Laura Hughes. Thank you to her!
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Petey thinks that being out in the wild is good for children and adults as well. What?!
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